20 Tips Every Amazon Addict Should KnowThere was a time when shopping online seemed ridiculous, even dangerous. People were afraid to enter their credit card numbers in a browser window, hidden fees were the norm, and scams and fraud issues were paramount.These days very few people are scared to shop online, thanks in large part to one Internet behemoth: Amazon.Love it or hate it, the Seattle-based retailer and gadget maker has done more to make online shopping mainstream than anyone. Amazon sells just about everything, delivers your goods fast (especially if you're a member of the $99 per year Amazon Prime), offers services like streaming video and music, plus an entire line of tablets, ebook readers, and smart speakers. And don't forget all the apps to take advantage of Amazon's services for other platforms.Cynics might say this is all Amazon's way of "showrooming" the world. To that I say, "So what?" With expansion of services like AmazonFresh for groceries, offering deliveries seven days a week, and providing a vast marketplace for partners' goods, why would anyone complain about more convenient shopping options?
There was a time when shopping online seemed ridiculous, even dangerous. People were afraid to enter their credit card numbers in a browser window, hidden fees were the norm, and scams and fraud issues were paramount.These days very few people are scared to shop online, thanks in large part to one Internet behemoth: Amazon.Love it or hate it, the Seattle-based retailer and gadget maker has done more to make online shopping mainstream than anyone. Amazon sells just about everything, delivers your goods fast (especially if you're a member of the $99 per year Amazon Prime), offers services like streaming video and music, plus an entire line of tablets, ebook readers, and smart speakers. And don't forget all the apps to take advantage of Amazon's services for other platforms.Cynics might say this is all Amazon's way of "showrooming" the world. To that I say, "So what?" With expansion of services like AmazonFresh for groceries, offering deliveries seven days a week, and providing a vast marketplace for partners' goods, why would anyone complain about more convenient shopping options?